Links, Links and More Links
The links below are intended to assist you in obtaining more information on being Justice Impacted. Some of the links include news-letters that you will be able to add to your contacts while incarcerated and will enlighten you on new developments in prison reform initiatives, sentencing reform initiatives, First Step and Second Chance Act developments, etc. Some of the links include support groups and Facebook support forums to get you through this difficult time. If you have other links that you would like me to include in this list, feel free to drop me a line and I will add them to this list.
A pretty good source of information on all things BOP related, changes to laws and developments. I don’t have the contact information to request the news-letter once your’e inside, but you can ask any inmate and they will gladly give it to you.
Derek Gilna Newsletter
Newsletter covers everything BOP, Justice Impacted, US Sentencing Commission developments, etc. Great source of information.
Sentencing Law and Policy
Douglas A Bergman is considered a leader in Sentencing Laws and Policy Initiatives. A great resource for those still out and looking for information of developments in criminal law.
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Non-Profit devoted to changing laws in the Mandatory Minimum arena.
Inmate Grapevine Newsletter
Published about once a month, send a request once inside to the email address above to be included in the email distribution.
Justice Impacted Support Forum
Whether you're seeking advice on reintegration, coping with the stigma of incarceration, or dealing with the complexities of legal matters, forum members are here to provide insights, strategies, and emotional support. Use “USA First Step” as a referral source. This is a Private Group in Skoolz.
Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse
A great resource for Civil Rights issues and research.
First Network - Federal Inmates requesting sanctioned treatment
Advocates for individuals incarcerated and highlights issues of those incarcerated.
BOP Federal Prison Early Release - First Step Act Help
Helping those Justice Impacted going through the Federal Court process.
United States Sentencing Commission
All the information you need on Sentencing Guidelines, etc.
Federal Bureau of Prisons
All the information that the BOP wants you to know.
All the US Federal Codes Codes
United States Code of Federal Regulations
A message about relying on CFRs. Sometimes CFRs conflict with statutes and you could find yourself citing a CFR that will be in direct conflict with the written laws. Do your research. US Statutes override any CFR.
USA First Step Facebook
A shameless plug, I know!
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